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Old 05-24-2008, 11:35 PM
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PB1789 PB1789 is offline
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Alaska, USA
Posts: 172

Yaaa know.....When I first saw the Thread Title I figured that it was something about the J.W.s and their NWT which was commonly nicknamed "The Green Phantom"-

...but no,,,rather it's another publishing house (this time HarperOne) trying to get a "niche-market". Kinda reminds me of that "Rainbow Study" Bible where they color coded each and every verse--- I remember that they used gray for "sin"----IMO that is very true as to many peoples' viewpoint on sin---It isn't really as black as The Lord says it is, but rather it is gray.

As for the "Green People" and the "Mother Earth" worshipers out there, it is obvious that they have never opened up the very first book of the Bible and read Genesis chapter 1: verses 26-31.