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Old 11-10-2008, 03:35 PM
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Originally Posted by IC@KJV View Post

I am new to this forum, I bought a KJV study Bible about a month ago, when I found out HOW MANY DIFFERENCES and OMMITIONS there were in my NIV bible.

I only read the KJV now, nothing else. I dont want to read versions that ommit and change the Word of God.

The question I have is this: The KJV Bible I bought is a study Bible made by Nelson publishers. And I like all the historical footnotes, and biography footnotes it has in it, it realy gives me a bigger understanding of who people were, and about the history. But who actually made/researched the footnotes???

Was it a team of researchers, or the publisher??

Who gets all of the info for the footnotes, how correect are they???

Thank You
Welcome to the forum!

The study notes in Bibles are usually copyrighted by a publisher and many times you can find credit for the compilers and editors of the notes within the Bible. As far as the correctness of them goes, it's hard to say: being that they were likely employed by Nelson, I wouldn't trust them any further than I could throw an F-550 truck. These men have Alexandrian (apostate) tendencies in almost everything they do, so far as to undermine the effectiveness of the Word of God.

For studying the Bible, there is really no greater commentary than the Bible itself. (When I say Bible, I always mean the King James Bible.) If you come up against a word you don't understand, or it seems to be used in a different way than you usually see it, run a word search. Get a good Bible software (MacSword if you're a believer, e-Sword or SwordSearcher if you're a PC user ) and use it. Find the first mention of a word and any other uses of it, and see how the Bible uses them. Context is key.

God bless you in your studies.