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Old 06-13-2009, 09:08 AM
Bro. Parrish
Posts: n/a

You make a good point, she did take a stand and will probably do better as a result of this.

Let's face it; Prajean was hacked and canned, NOT for stating that homosexality is wrong for everyone, NOT for quoting Romans Chapter 1, NOT for attacking the activist himself, but simply for replying that SHE thought marriage should be reserved for a man and a woman. This is the same view held by presidents of the United States, however this is now an unacceptable view in the eyes of radical homosexual activists. The issue is redefining marriage and family.

Incidentally, now that marriage has begun to be redefined by states, we see exactly what traditional marriage advocates predicted; Polygamists are already demanding multi-sex marriages under the law:

The pink agendists are rapidly moving into the public schools with their goal of promoting this behavior on our kids. We have moved beyond tolerance to promotion, and that includes the NEA. And if you are not willing to promote it, you are considered a hater. Last week, as Obama proclaimed June as "LGBT Month," I was reminded that the agenda of these activists is already at work in education and government and has far more sweeping implications for all of us, and whatever values we may hold, more here...