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Old 10-29-2008, 09:41 PM
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PB1789 PB1789 is offline
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Alaska, USA
Posts: 172
Default ???

Welcome Traditional Anglican! Love your avatar! Wish we had an R.E.C. up here. Closest one is down in B.C.,Can. I attended St. Lukes R.E.C. in Santa Ana, Cal. once. Solid Worship.

Okay... as to the "Weird Food" question--- I'm not weird, it's the people that don't eat what I eat that have "weird" tastes! Why people ruin a perfectly good piece of food by deep frying it is beyond me...uugghh! {and then folks wonder why we have heart and obesity problems in the States...

Okay, maybe this one is "out-of-the-ordinary": {Found this recipe once when I was unemployed and these were the only things in the refrigerator.. } Onion Roll sliced in half and put much cottage cheese on it,,,chased with Vernors's Ginger Ale. For dessert... Maple syrup on top of vanilla ice cream... Good stuff!