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Old 05-19-2009, 04:30 PM
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greenbear greenbear is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Ohio
Posts: 492

Howdy, neighbor! We are definitely checking out your information on Pastor Richard Jordan's church and ministry. We really want to thank you for responding. What a blessing you are.

I couldn't care less if someone calls me a hyperdrycleaningdispensationalist or any other name. I care nothing for tradition. I'm sensitive and can get hurt feelings from personal affronts or attacks but I don't get upset by insults about what I believe scripture teaches. If I didn't believe a position I take I wouldn't take it. If someone's argument from scripture proves me wrong, and I can see it, I will change my mind and admit it. Although I like to be right just as much as the next person, I pray the Lord will show me when I err. I feel bad when brothers and sisters in Christ resort to methods of debate that even those who only possess worldly wisdom reject, namely ad hominem attacks. It reveals the "attacker's" insecurity about the position they hold.

May you rest in his grace and peace,
