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Old 06-16-2009, 05:44 AM
peopleoftheway peopleoftheway is offline
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Originally Posted by Luke View Post
Is that the same Michael Pearl who teaches a selective form of sinless perfection?

In one of his tracts about pornography, he claims that any man that struggles with it or gives in to it is unsaved, without a doubt...
He also teaches this about Fathers who are in bondage to pornography. Now I dont agree with pornography, God forbid, but to teach that your sins will open up your children to attacks by devils on their bodies and souls is a bit much.

But the most destructive thing about your sin is the effect in has on your children. We live in a spirit world of both righteous and fallen angels. We are surrounded by evil spirits seeking the moral destruction of every human soul. The children of godly parents are protected from unclean spirits by being under their moral umbrella. But when a father gives his mind over to wicked lusts, he removes the hedge of protection around his family and invites impure devils into his home. Wishing them away will avail nothing. Any prayers you pray for their safety are negated the moment you open the pages of a pornographic book or glare at an electronic image. When you tune in to electronic pornography you have established a two-way link with the spiritual underworld. When you lie in bed at night and conjure up wicked images, the devils won’t stop with your mind; they will gleefully rush into the bedrooms of your children and assault their little souls and bodies. Evil thoughts will come to their minds – thoughts you have been thinking that are telegraphed to them by the devils. Your defenseless children will be taken captive, and you are the one that threw the gate open to the enemy.


Sorry to go off topic, but the above is worrying.