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Old 05-30-2009, 02:59 PM
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Originally Posted by katie ha-lakh View Post
I've been thinking about that last verse myself today. "for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have"

"TV is concerned largely with sensationalism, not truth."
I was in no way condoning TV (or the video I watched) as a truth infused medium. I was just mentioning that some believe the "sons of God" to be Seth's sons.

I wonder if you think angels also must seek bodies of the living? ...since demons are fallen angels. And also what you think of the close encounters of the third kind (not referencing the movie) many claim to have had?
Katie, our understanding of angels is tainted by 2000 years of Roman Catholic mythology.
All angels in the Bible have been male in appearance and none have wings.
All angels in the Bible have their actions and activities geared towards Israel, or the "fathers" of Israel. As I showed Jennifer, angels are ministering spirits to those who will "inherit salvation", not the Body of Christ of today who already has salvation. Thus angels are not allowed to manifest themselves physically today. We walk by faith, not by sight. Do you believe by faith in the Scriptures Noah built an ark(faith alone), or do you need an archaeologist to go out and dig it up(sight)?

The close encounter thing I reject as sensationalism. There are pictures and video and film of UFO craft. Are they "Satanic deceptions"? I don't know. I don't know what they are and won't speculate beyond that. I saw 4 aircraft of an unknown configuration that performed maneuvers that contradicts known laws of physics and motion. Am I afraid of being "abducted"? As I said before, no more than I am of a home invasion robbery by drug dealers, in both cases, if they can dodge 4 tomahawks and shed lead from an SKS carbine, they can have me.

Grace and peace sister Katie
