Thread: The sons of God
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Old 05-29-2009, 01:35 PM
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Originally Posted by browilder61 View Post
I believe that the "sons of God" in Genesis 6:1-4 are fallen angels, as in the context of Job 1:6 ; 38:7, and not "Sethites". Why do some teach the sons of God in Gen.6 are Sethites, and the "daughters of men" are Cainites - thanks
Brother, I'm in a hurry here at the moment but will expand on my answer shortly. But the popular notion that angels fell and made wives of humans and had children that were giants is untenable as it is found in Jewish fables, and also that these giants would have no sin nature because the sin nature in mankind is passed on through the male, not the woman. Jesus Christ was sinless and had to be, thus in order for that to happen He would have had to have had no human father but God. He had God's blood, all humans have their father's blood and their mother's flesh, the blood systems in a baby are separate from the one of their mother. The CSriptures say these giants were "men of renown" and in order for them to be men they would have to have human fathers in order that the sin nature be passed on.

Grace and peace
