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Old 05-08-2008, 12:27 PM
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1. I believe Jews didn't kill Jesus, eventhough a lot of religions say they are Christ killers. Where can I find Verses in my KJ Bible?
The Jews were the nation responsible for betraying Christ; the Romans were responsible for crucifying Christ - but ALL of mankind is responsible for Jesus' death, because He died for our sins.

The best places to learn what happened is the last few chapters of each of the four Gospels.

2.Some Jews think that if they are born a Jew they are entitled to be in Heaven without accepting Jesus and his Shed blood for our Sins.
That wasn't the case in Old Testament times - why would it be true today? Even the OT saint was saved by believing in the Messiah that was to come and die for their sins. They showed their faith in this coming Messiah by offering the required sacrifices, offering them God's way, through God's priesthood, and in God's place (the temple). They can fulfill none of these today - therefore Judaism is a religion that cannot save anyone.

OT Judaism is fulfilled in NT Christianity - Jesus is that fulfillment. He fulfilled what the OT pictured and looked forward to. Rejecting the NT and Biblical Christianity is going backwards, not forwards.

3.Can someone tell me what Judaism is and how it relates to us as christians?
I think Judaism only takes the first 5 books of Moses, OT (Torah) or Tanakh?, and may have other books to go along with it.
Judaism is based on the whole OT - though there is much that they overlook or explain away or make symbolic rather than literal.