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Old 09-14-2008, 06:29 PM
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Biblestudent Biblestudent is offline
Join Date: Feb 2008
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Hello, Brothers!

I don't believe in what they call the "gap theory" which includes a compromise to evolution. I graduated in a Christian high school and had held in the six-day creation week "without the gap". However, when I went through Bible school and having heard Bible believing teachers from both sides ("anti-gappers" and "pro-gappers"), I have been quite convinced of the gap between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 as a fact, and I see no compromise to evolution.

Concerning the question, I find David Reagan's articles to be very helpful:

"NOTE: The word beginning does not always refer to the same point in time or even to the same beginning. Here are several specific beginnings. Some are easy to pinpoint; others are not. But they are all a part of God’s truth and they make an interesting study."

"Also, the devil was “a murderer from the beginning” (John 8:44) and he “sinneth from the beginning” (1John 3:8). To what beginning does this refer? It must refer to the beginning of the six-day creation. Nothing else makes sense.
However, if there is no gap and the devil was created on the first day of the six days of creation, he must have been created as a sinner and a murderer—since he was these things from the beginning. But this is impossible for two reasons.
  • First, this interpretation would make God the author of sin.
  • Second, the Bible clearly states that the devil was perfect from his creation and that iniquity was not found in him until a later date (see Ezekiel 28:15).
He was perfect at the time of his own creation, but was a murderer and sinner at the time of the beginning or creation as we experience it. Therefore, the devil had to fall in sin somewhere between the time of his creation and the beginning of the world as found in the first chapter of Genesis. Only the gap provides a time for this. There is no other option."

"I admit that many of the early proponents of the gap compromised with modern science in their beliefs and teachings. They used the gap to explain the geological ages, the fossil record and the existence of dinosaur skeletons. Obviously, this was wrong.
There is no reason to bow to modern science in any of these areas. Creation with apparent age (meaning things looked mature at the time of creation just as Adam was created as a mature adult and not as a baby) and Noah’s flood could easily explain the geological structures as we have them. However, a weak argument in favor of a position is no reason to reject it. The gap I am talking about is not a scientific accommodation but a biblical doctrine. " (Please see also this article for some explanation concerning Exodus 20:11 and Exodus 31:17)