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Old 12-25-2008, 10:18 AM
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MC1171611 MC1171611 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
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Posts: 436

Again, the issue comes down to Final Authority. Mr. Hebrews here doesn't want a concrete "hold it in your hand" AUTHORITY, because that would mean that he would have to SUBMIT to it, and we know how much the flesh hates that "S" word.

When you go about to decide what Bible is right or "preferable," you make yourself superior to God Himself, since you don't think that God did a good enough job giving us a Bible so you need to do His job for Him. How abominable! Would God promise to preserve His word to every generation, and then fail to do it? I trow not! Would God give us such an incomparably majestic work of Truth as the King James Bible and then turn around and let "pious," money-grubbing Laodecians "revise" it? God forbid! Your entire premise is based not on FACT, but on a LACK of FAITH: a lack of FAITH in God and His ability to keep His promises. If He couldn't preserve His word like He PROMISED, then how do you think He's going to keep you eternally secure like He PROMISED?

Yet another snake-oil peddler, ladies and gents. Don't be fooled by this charlatan.