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Old 01-27-2009, 08:33 PM
Steven Avery Steven Avery is offline
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 462

Hi Folks,

Isaiah 13:15
Every one that is found shall be thrust through;
and every one that is joined unto them shall fall by the sword.

The first thing to consider is that to a sensible, sane writer .. any claim that King James Bible translators misread a word should have a very high bar of evidence. These were 50 world-class scholars reviewing every verse carefully, with final review editors checking after the initial committees. And the initial committees had a system for checking each verse passing their work one to another. Afaik this is the only verse in the whole Bible, multi-thousands of verses, where such an accusation arises. And it only arose in the 1990s, and only in the context of an anti-KJB polemic. Hmmm.

So if there is a claim of an error on one verse, what should be involved ?

Well the words should be close. Yes, that is the case here, a difference of the final letter and the vowels. (Ultimately, that was enough for James Price, who made this into his pet theory.)

What else ? .. well the verse as given in the King James Bible should be unusual, it should be unique to the King James Bible, since it is unlikely other scholars would make the same "error". The actual KJB translation word should be out of the semantic range of the actual word, unused in similar ways in the Bible, the KJB translation should be indisputably illegitimate, the actual word used should not appear in scholarly discussions, etc.

Just to understand what a sensible and sane writer would do before venting such an accusation. They would examine the lexical range, the other Bible versions, commentaries early and late, the rabbinics, the ancient versions, and only if the evidence was compelling, overwhelming, might they venture such an accusation.

Now to the actual situation.

Steven Avery