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Old 04-22-2009, 10:08 AM
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tonybones2112 tonybones2112 is offline
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Originally Posted by boaz212 View Post
Thanks Tony for the explanation. This helps.
Tim, the "MVs", Original Manuscript Frauds, Alexandrian Cultists, whatever you weant to call them, try their best to deflect you from something they are scared to death of: The Scriptures themselves. They want to embroil you in arguments over this point and that point and this manuscript and that manuscript They create a false foundation that they will claim you are standing on and then they will try to demolish it, that's called a Straw Man Argument, set up a scarecrow so then you can knock it down.

You must deal with these people in a manner Christ-like but speak from authority, do NOT give them the initiative. That's becasue our time is limited, we are ambassadors and don;t have time for demon possessed girls to follow us and say, he speaks for the most high God. Paul cast the demon out in an instant, demolish their arguments in the same manner and move on. What I told you about the early-late paradox with the two manuscript families, burn that into your brain. They make a big thing out of how, but never touch on why.

The bible version battle is an important one, but not our main one. George, BP, POTW, are brothers I am adding my voice to: We are ambassadors for Christ, ministers of the reconciliation. When someone tries to bring up the authpority of the Scriptures in your hand, all they are doing is saying what Satan did in Genesis 3: Why, yes, did God say that?

Did He say 1 John 5: 7?

Grace and peace to you. I think you are a good soldier my friend.
