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Old 05-18-2009, 03:45 AM
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Luke Luke is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 594

I recently bought the book "The Next Step" by Jack Chick. I wish I had bought it when I first got saved.

It has a bible reading plan in it.

I have been following along quite faithfully

5 Chapters a day

One history (Genesis - Ezra)
One poetic (Job - Ecclesiastes)
One Prophetic (Isaiah - Malachi)
One Biography (Matthew - Acts)
One Pauline Epistle (Romans - Philemon)
One General (Hebrews - Revelation) - I added this one in myself so I would read more NT stuff

I also highlight verses that stand out with color coded pencils

Red/Orange for a verse about salvation or blood
Blue for a verse about prayer
Green for a growth verse
Brown for a doctrinal