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Old 04-21-2009, 06:02 PM
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tonybones2112 tonybones2112 is offline
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Originally Posted by boaz212 View Post
A good friend has been thinking about the KJV issue. He is not KJVO. He wants me to comment on this article:

especially on questions #1, #2, and #3.
Any assistance will really help me to have a more complete answer. Thanks.
Tim, what you must first do, and I had to do it with my older brother and His NASB: You have to cross your arms, gird up thy loins, set your jaw, and adopt the truthful attitude that it is NOT up to you to prove anything. It's up to them. The KJV was not given by inspiration? Prove it. Burden of proof is NOT on us, it's on them.

The entire blog is a straw man. Proving the KJV is not inspired because the translators were not inspired proves nothing. Nowhere do we have proof Paul was inspired. Words are inspired, not men. Paul was not "given by inspiration", God's words were given THROUGH him. Inspiration is a PROCESS, not a "condition", like a holy trance the writers were in. Paul says all scripture IS given, not WAS given. Inspiration continues to this instant(Job 32:8).

Straw man argument on number two. So what if the Koran and the LXX was claimed to be "inspired"? Charley Manson claimed to be God, don't mean I have to become an atheist.

Marginal notes is an empty argument that proves nothing. I write stock quotes in the margin of my bible don't make them inspired.

Brother Rolando and I discussed my statement that I'd rather use, it I ONLY had the choice between the two, I'd rather use the NWT of the Watchtower before I'd use an NIV. I can prove to the most hardened JW the Deity of Christ from his own corruption, BUT, if you find a Rolex watch in a trashcan don't make the trashcan a jewelry store, does it?

The best thing you can do is get your friend to join this forum and get some honest answers, not Watchtower word games and lawyer tricks as this "blog" tries to do. I notice also no venue to respond to this blog either.

Grace and peace to you Tim.
