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Old 08-30-2008, 03:22 AM
Scott Simons
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Originally Posted by Forrest View Post
I just wanted you to know, on my part, in no way am I offended. I love you in the Lord, brother, and appreciate your transparency. None of us have the final word on Biblical truth.
Thanks Forrest, I am a truther, I quit caring what the main stream is saying and revaluating all the dogma, I just want the truth.

Originally Posted by George View Post
Aloha brother Scott,

I hope that you will look up all of the verses (in context) that I supplied for each point. The point I am trying to make is simply: Although God made getting saved simple (even a child can believe) - the operation that takes place in a believer the moment he or she believes the Gospel is far more complex than any of us can conceive. Imagine! When we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and in his substitutionary death and shed blood for our sins - We become sons of God! [John 1:12] God comes and dwells in us! [1Corinthians 3:16] We receive the mind of Christ! [1Corinthians 2:16] There are literally dozens more verses showing that the "new birth" is a whole lot more than just a way to avoid Hell.

I talked to my wife at dinner last night, and just ran some questions about the subject without letting on exactly what the subject was. Questions about those who are living in sin, and just rejecting what the word said, and literally saying they will take there chances, knowing what the word says. Those who reject the word of God, King James Bible, and are lost in the false doctrines of the perversion versions. She had concluded that they never where really saved. So I said you are once saved always saved, she no I’m not, and I said you are because you just don’t believe they ever where saved.
People are rejecting the word of God. They may have never been saved to begin with, I guess they are like those in the sower of the seed, that believed for a while, but fell away. But I guess they never really believed, really, and felled from where? Where these in the parable ever saved or just never saved to begin with? I can almost hang with these where never where saved to begin with but then that makes be believe that the process of believing is way more complex that just coming to Jesus as a little child. How can you believe for a while?