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Old 05-26-2009, 09:24 AM
Winman Winman is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 464

I was saved at 11 years old in 1965.

1) 1969 Florida

2) 1973 Florida

3) 1978 Connecticut

4) 2004 (2 sightings of same object in one week) Connecticut

Hey, I can't say for certain what these things are, although I am 99% certain of what they were not. I sincerely do not believe them to be man-made, because they demonstrated behaviour that our craft cannot perform.

The craft I saw in 69 was flying no more than 30 MPH. It flew right over my head in daylight at no more than 100 feet altitude, very easy to observe. The craft I saw in 73 accelerated from a dead hover to a fantastic speed I can only estimate at many thousands of MPH in an instant. The craft I saw in 78 was too fast for a balloon, too slow for a plane, flew at tree-top level in the dead of night, and had no obvious means of propulsion. These were the three very close sightings within a few hundred feet of me I could see in detail. The object I saw in 04 was a smaller, more distant object but performed some amazing manuvers in the sky that I do not believe any man-made craft can perform.

I have never seen any little grey aliens, and believe me, I do not ever want to see one. But the objects I saw all looked liked designed aircraft that demonstrated performance I do not think we can do.

But what they are for absolute certain I cannot say. I will say this, that all of these sightings affected me very negatively. I truly felt a sense of evil when I observed them. I also felt that these objects were manifest especially for myself. Don't ask me why, this has always puzzled me. The object in 73 there was another witness present, but in all the others I was alone.

What can I say? There have been literally millions of reports. And most sightings go unreported, as people do not want to be ridiculed. But many witnesses have been very educated, and even trained observers such as astronauts, pilots and police officers. I am sure many may have been mistaken in what they thought they observed, but to dismiss all of these witnesses is not an intelligent response.

I knew I would be ridiculed for this report, but what I wrote was the truth, and I will never back down from it.

Last edited by Winman; 05-26-2009 at 09:35 AM.