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Old 05-25-2009, 11:17 PM
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Jassy Jassy is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 299

Well, brothers & sisters... At risk of sounding "nutty" - I will give my own experience. About 35 years ago, I was in a car with my family. I was in the backseat and we were driving back on a very dark highway, returning home from visiting my grandparents. My father was driving and had his eyes on the road, my mom (also in the front seat) younger brother and 2 older sisters were all sleeping. (We had a station wagon at that time.) My younger sister and I were awake. There were no streetlights out and the only lights came from car headlights on the highway. It was pretty late and the highway was not very busy. I remember sensing something very bright overhead and looking up and seeing something that I didn't know what it was. I pointed up at it and my little sister looked up and I KNOW that she saw it. In the next split second it made a very strange movement (it had been hovering) and it went one way and then another way - extremely quickly, like a zigzag and then it was gone.

We went home and to bed and never talked about it. I had the strangest, creepiest feeling about it and really didn't want to discuss it. I would say I was probably about 14 or 15 at the time. Many years later, I would bring it up and my sister would deny ever seeing it.

I can't really describe the shape or much about the visual appearance of it, I just remember it was like nothing I'd ever seen before - and, especially notable, was the way that it MOVED.

What I believe is this: The government is far more knowledgeable about such things than it lets on. They can use holograms, they can control weather, and they can do many things which people don't know about. They have created and invented things that we know nothing about. They have the ability to CLOAK things also. It makes an object DISAPPEAR instantly, although it is still there. I read an article about that one time, which included photographs of such aircraft. They keep all of this under wraps.

What's the point? Well, I believe that one day they will place some huge hologram that everybody will see, into the sky, to get people into the antichrist system. It will be the REAL "shock and awe" - LOL It will convince people like nothing before.

Anyway, all this stuff is really besides the point. Our faith in the LORD stands. Whether this stuff is real, "other-worldly", a created hoax, or whatever the case may be - our Lord is in control. Not some aliens, not some government, nor some grand antichrist scheme.
