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Old 04-02-2009, 05:24 PM
Bro. Parrish
Posts: n/a

Brother Buck,
I think you were right in your previous post, when you said repentance in essence is a change of mind. The problem can start when we start adding things to that, as some type of "evidence" for salvation.

I think what the others are saying is that we have to be careful because some tend to view repentance differently than others, and some see it as a "work" needed for salvation.

Here is a pretty good overview of the various doctrines on repentance down through the ages, (be advised I do not consider all of these as Biblical) you might want to review the entire article, these are just a few points and I'm just trying to show how various denominations can put a spin on these things like repentance and baptism... notice carefully the concept under "turning away from sin."

Repentance (Metanoia) Defined as a Change of Mind

"In contrast to the Church's definition of metanoia as involving contrition, confession, and the performance of acts of penance, Calvin and Luther concluded that it retained its classical sense of "a change of mind." Salvific repentance according to Calvin and Luther was a change of mind whereby one recognized his own sinfulness and need of forgiveness and then turned in faith to God to provide that forgiveness in Christ. In essence, then, Luther and Calvin viewed salvific repentance as an essential part of saving faith."

Turning Away from Sin

"Those holding to this view consider salvific repentance to be the actual turning away from one's sins and not merely a willingness or intention to do so. They would tell an alcoholic, for example, that in order to become a Christian he would first have to stop getting drunk."

"Which of the views stated is the one correct view of salvific repentance? Future articles in this series will demonstrate that the change-of-mind-secure-salvation view is the biblical one.

If a person must give up something or even be willing to do so to obtain salvation, then it is not really a free gift. If one must live an obedient life to keep salvation, then it is conditioned upon faith plus works, and grace is nullified. Other views of salvific repentance fail to grasp the gravity of our plight as sinners in the hands of a holy God.

Nothing which we can do to try and clean up our lives will impress God. Only the blood of Jesus Christ can atone for our sins. And, the only way to appropriate Jesus' blood is by faith alone in Christ alone. The only thing we need to give up is a self-righteous attitude. We must cease viewing ourselves as good enough to merit salvation and instead place all of our trust on what Jesus Christ did on the cross for us as our Substitute."

Full article here:
The Doctrine of Repentance in Church History

Last edited by Bro. Parrish; 04-02-2009 at 05:32 PM.