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Old 11-01-2008, 10:54 AM
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MC1171611 MC1171611 is offline
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Originally Posted by Gord View Post
I have just viewed these on you-tube, after receiving an email from the The Christian Anti-Defamation Commission. (link not provided, google is your freind)

I am interested in the views of my Brothers and Sisters in Christ who face the real task of actually having to cast their vote next week.
At first, I had planned on voting for John McCain, simply to try to keep Obama out of office. However, after seeing arguments from friends online, and talking to my dad and reading some information he had, and I realized that voting against my conscience would display a lack of faith in God. I believe that God is powerful enough to take care of the situation, regardless of who gets elected. Also I think that a little persecution is just what the church might need to get their collective butt in gear to do something for Christ.

I'm voting for Chuck Baldwin this year. I know he won't get elected, but I'm speaking out for what is right. If enough people get behind him, it might help wake people up to the fact that we're tired of the two-party system that we have, and we want fairness and equal opportunity for other political parties.