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Old 06-23-2009, 08:49 PM
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Originally Posted by HowlerMonkey View Post
BP, thank you for your reply, it is obvious from your posts that you have a passion and depth of knowledge for this issue.

I am afraid I don't understand your position though. How can the AV be perfect if the mss that it was translated from are not perfect?

I have the feeling that I am about to learn something, but at this point you have me totally lost.
Suppose you have three copies made by school children who wrote down what they observed written in chalk in a classroom:


The chalk was rubbed away long ago, but you have the three paper copies. You would be able to construct correctly what was written in chalk, even though it might now be some time later.

That is a very simple illustration of how the KJB is compared to the present copies and editions we have of Hebrew and Greek.