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Old 12-20-2008, 04:47 PM
Posts: n/a

Hi avbunyan,

I think you're splitting hairs. For example, you said Gal 3:26 is about faith dealing with "relationship", but the context (verses 24-26) explicitly says it's about justification.

Regarding hope - not an expert here - I believe we do not understand the biblical doctrine of hope - This hope is a surety - Not a, "I hope so."
I agree, but I believe that if the readings were reversed (if the KJV had "we are saved in this hope" and the NKJV had "we are saved by hope"), the only thing I'd be hearing about this difference is that the NKJV is wrong (We are saved by grace, not hope). I find it very interesting how such verse comparisons are always so one-sided, highlighting specific verses but avoiding others (or rationalizing/minimizing them away when raised). This is not an objective and honest approach to textual comparison in my opinion.

God bless,