Thread: Love & Race
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Old 06-04-2009, 10:33 AM
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Originally Posted by custer View Post
Maybe this is too simplistic, but...

How can "race" be a "Darwinian concept," when Noah Webster's 1828 dictionary defines race as
"1. The lineage of a family, or continued series of descendants from a parent who is called the stock. A race is the series of descendants indefinitely. Thus all mankind are called the race of Adam; the Israelites are the race of Abraham and Jacob." ???
According to, a website "dedicated to the life and times of Charles Darwin," in 1828 when Webster had already formulated the above definition, Darwin was in school and "did not take his studies very seriously, spending much of his free time collecting beetles, reading Shakespeare, and having dinner parties with his friends." He didn't start publishing scientific diaries until 1836 and the Origin of the Species wasn't until 1859. I'm just saying that the idea of a "race" being a line of people couldn't have originated with him.
Interestingly, the Bible terminology is the "generations of [so-and-so,]" and one of Webster's definitions of a "generation" is a "race."
It seems like this discussion got off course by confusing race with nationality. It is only in a NEW dictionary that "race" has been expanded to include the word "nation." And still, when you are asked on an application to give your race, they're not asking where you're from!
Hi, Pam.

As far as I can tell, any worldly system of thought develops over time. Ideas percolate through the decades or centuries until the time is right and a suitable "messenger" is in place to deliver the new "truth". I tend to look at human history in terms of what God is doing and what Satan is doing. That's what everything boils down to, anyway, don't you think? The Wiki link below has an explanation of the history of evolutionary thought and it's impact on culture, society and religion. I would add that occultists like Blavatsky, et al, were used as conduits by satanic forces through their demon possession and automatic writing to provide the spiritual, philosophical impetus behind the evolutionary movement. We just need to look around us in modern society to see the devastation that evolutionary thought has brought us.

There is one race of man and that is the race of Adam. Brandon is right, there is no choice but to use the word "race" when speaking about the different nations on this earth because no one would know what you're talking about if you use the word nation. Once society accepts the satanic concept of humanity being divided into different races based on genetic differences, or on how far up the evolutionary ladder one race is compared to another, it becomes easier to dehumanize certain families of mankind. Blavatsky's body of material she received directly from a demon or devil "guide", as well as "scientific" evolutionary thought was incorporated into Hitler's highly occultic belief system.

On a side note, I think there may be some confusion over the term "nation". I could be wrong but I believe that biblically a nation can be defined as the descendants of a particular father which is laid out in Gen 10 in the table of nations. These biblical nations do have boundaries, etc as set out by God. In our modern language we use "nation" to describe a sovereign state which may be made up of people from the same "biblical" nation or family (take Iran or Egypt for instance) or to describe countries like America which is made up of many of the familes or nations of mankind.

One of the ways that I see this lie of different races within the race of man affect the church is that we yet again try to take Israel's role upon our selves. The Savior came through the Jews and that is why God had rules about intermarriage between Israelites and gentiles. Really, the gentile national distinctions aren't very important in the scheme of things, at least not in the context we have been discussing.
