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Old 02-27-2008, 10:37 AM
Posts: n/a

What would be the purpose of comparing the mv's? They are basically the same (ie. in the sense that it would be the same general changes made, as the majority of the changes are from the underlying Critical Texts). It would be beneficial to list the major changes in the NU Text compared with the TR.

Of course, there are some mv's that are more liberal even than the others - many are Dynamic Equivelant, which means they supposedly try to translate the thoughts the Bible writers had, rather than what was actually written (as if they can read their minds beyond what was written) - then there are those that are paraphrases, and these certainly are even more liberal. It may be beneficial to show some of the worst changes in the mv's, but generally comparing the NIV to the NASV, etc. really wouldn't help anyone overall - comparing any of the mv's to the KJV would be helpful.