Thread: Frugal Living
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Old 02-11-2008, 06:47 AM
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Originally Posted by Bibletotingunslinger View Post
I do not disagree with my Sister at all, but I do find my self in a little different situation, to sum it up I buy bulk, to save money.

I admire her frugal life style.
There are certain things that I do buy in bulk when I can - like soaps, shampoo, and toilet paper. I know I will use these things and it is nice to have like a 6 months supply of such things. I have been stockpiling food supplies of late too, because I think the economy is tanking. It is only going to get worse after the elections.

I believe in trusting God to supply all my need, Phil. 4:19, but who is to say that He does not want us to store things up for the future? Even in Egypt, he put Joseph in position to stockpile grain against the great famine, didn't he?

I have switched to using olive oil for health reasons, but it is expensive and I can barely afford it. However yesterday I was grocery shopping and the store had certain bottles of olive oil on sale - $3.50 off each bottle - so I bought two of them, and they will last me a very long time. I only use it for stir frying meats and vegetables.