Thread: JW's and Hell
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Old 02-19-2009, 11:21 PM
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MC1171611 MC1171611 is offline
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Posts: 436

Wow Bro. George..excellent stuff!!

Beltfed_0331, also keep in mind that the JWs have their own Bible version modeled on the corrupt Catholic codices Vaticanus and Siniaticus. They've changed Jesus Christ to "a god," they've tried to replace John the Baptist as the herald of Jehovah with Jesus, and they've corrupted the relationship between Jesus and the Father throughout the whole thing.

Bro. George's list is an incredible tool when dealing with them, but like the Alexandrian Cult and the rest of the Professional Liars, the JWs' issue isn't just doctrine: it's Authority. The firmly-grounded JWs will believe their Elders over the Bible any time they find a problem, so the only way you can have an effect is to hopefully plant a seed of truth in the younger, newer one.

God bless, brother, and I hope you have good success with these guys.