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Old 10-30-2008, 11:19 AM
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pbiwolski pbiwolski is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
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Posts: 223

Dearest Atlas,

I sense that our earlier dissagreements are still lurking under the guise of your brief questionnaire. To this I feel like doing what I did this morning (around 3:30 am) - I got out of bed, went to our 6 month old baby's crib, felt around in the dark until I found the pacifier, and, with fatherly love, placed it delicately in the crying mouth (it was a successful procedure, although an annoyance to my peaceful rest).

So, Atlas, I was simply talking about a remark that I previously posted saying, "Ruckman for president." This line of humor can be found located between two faces, allowing all readers to designate the statement as a joke.

As the presidential elections are upon us, I thought it a bit fitting (still joking here, brother) to stick this phrase amid the overwhelming applause given to Dr. Ruckman by the posters of

The phrase reminded me of the article I enjoyed reading some months back from the Bible Believer's Bulletin. I later looked it up to post the mentioned article (from whence my comical phrase originated) for others to view at their leisure.

I suppose I have been cordial and thorough in explaining exactly what I was "suggesting" toward you(?), and hope my reply is sufficient in ending our correspondence in this matter.