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Old 05-03-2009, 07:10 PM
CKG CKG is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Warner Robins, Georgia
Posts: 197

It's difficult for we who were raised in Baptist churches to question if baptism is for us today. If it weren't for Matthew 28:19-20 I would probably say it was a matter of liberty for today's believer. Still it's interesting that Paul doesn't make a strong statement for baptism like he does the Lord's supper. And are there only two ordinances? Wouldn't reading, preaching, and teaching God's word be considered an ordinance when the body comes together?
Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine. (1 Timothy 4:13)
Is baptism the first step of obedience? It comes across like once you are saved you are in neutral in your spiritual growth until you get baptized. If baptism is the first step, what is the second step? How many steps are there? Some Baptists are in such a hurry to get a person into the baptism waters that you would almost think they were COC.

Some of you church historians might want to correct me, but I believe during the dark ages whenever a Catholic got saved and joined up with true believers they were baptized (immersed) which infuriated the Catholics. That's a good enough reason to practice it right there. If I remember correctly believers were persecuted for this (among other things). In some areas even to this day being baptized could be like signing your death warrant. Having said all of that here is a link (if it works) with a pretty good study on baptism by a Baptist pastor.