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Old 01-07-2009, 11:06 AM
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Default Re: " Yet Another New Member..."

Originally Posted by buzzoff1031 View Post
Ok. So stick with the Scofield. Now the next question is, how do I go about reading and studying the Bible? And how much time per day or week to spend in each?
Aloha Buzz,

I notice that you are getting what appears to be some "conflicting advise". My advise to you in my Post #4 (this Thread) still stands, but both pbiwolski and Josh are right (if you take a moment to consider:

I believe that pbiwolski is right - that the Scofield Reference Bible is probably the best Reference Bible out there. And most of Scofield's comments are Biblically sound (ignore the few places where he "corrects" our Holy Bible though).

Scofield can be of some help in rightly dividing the word of God - BUT do not depend on men for your understanding of Scripture!

And this is where brother Josh is also right. You must be extremely careful with all notes and comments in these kinds of Bibles (Scofield's, Thompson's, etc.). That is why I do not use Reference Bibles for reading and study (their OK for REFERENCE purposes only - but not to be relied on for spiritual understanding). The first 15-20 years of my Christian life I used to use them for reference - I no longer use them at all.

I have written a very short study on: "How To Study The Bible" (which is an "outline" on some of the things to look for and be aware of in studying the Bible). You can find the study on my web site at: if you care to check it out.

I do not make any claims that the study is "perfect" or that I am "infallible", but there are some very basic things that every Christian should be aware of when they study the Scriptures, and I have tried to include most of the things that I have learned about studying the Bible after 50 years of being a Christian.

Whatever you do - don't get discouraged in your studies. Setting times (minimum time to read) or amounts (number of pages to read) is artificial and can lead to hurried reading (with little understanding); or discouragement; and possibly even boredom.

The Bible is unlike any other book on earth! It is a "spiritual" Book, and as such, it takes "spiritual understanding" - which only the Holy Spirit can give. Remember: "Bible" Schools, Commentaries, and Reference Bibles can give you Bible "knowledge", but only God can give you Scriptural "discernment", "understanding", and "wisdom".