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Old 06-09-2008, 10:59 PM
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Default Re: Jordan's Post #31 > Some People Should Realize . . .

Re: Jordan's Post #31 > Bible Versions > Some People Should Realize . . .

The following Threads & Posts are instructive of what to expect from a “public school” (or possibly a “private” school or even a “Christian” school) education and the kind of “product” that is coming out of them.

Should you have any doubt about the pervasive influence of a Humanistic “education” and the perverse results in a young man’s life – look no further than “Jordan”. And if you want to see what the “definition” of a “sophist” is and how he operates read on.

Jordan’s first Post – A plea for “Help” {I trow not!}

“Help Me” > 05-07-2008, 04:52 PM >
Bible Versions > Help me > Post # 1 (Jordan’s 1st. Post – Jordan's Thread)

I am looking to order a KJV Bible but am having trouble finding one for a reasonable price on the internet. I came across a couple that I will link you too.

There's this one:
This one:

I'm just not sure which one is going to be the best value for me, please give me some insight if you can.

In Christ,
It “looks” and “sounds” so innocent – doesn’t it? And what follows on this thread continues to "appear" quite innocent for awhile until:

05-31-2008, 11:10 PM > Bible Versions > Help me > Post # 42 (Jordan’s 20th. Post)
So, with the one that I ordered, is it the "true" Word of God then?
NOTICE: The questioning? – “Subtle” isn’t it? – “is it the "true" Word of God then?

06-04-2008, 09:06 AM > Bible Versions > Help me > Post # 48 (Jordan’s 22nd. Post)
OK I know that, but how do I know if I'm using the right translation of the KJV?
NOTICE: The questioning? – “Subtle” isn’t it? “how do I know if I'm using the right translation of the KJV?”. This “methodology” is known as the “Socratic” method - the nearly unanimous “methodology” (originating with a Pagan Philosopher – Socrates) employed by nearly all of the educational institutions (Primary, High School, and College) in the good ole U.S.A. (including most “Christian” schools and colleges.)

The “Socratic method” is simple: An individual sets themselves up (with a corrupt mind and very limited understanding & wisdom) as their own “final authority” in all matters and on all issues that may confront them and simply question’s everything – it’s not that difficult to do and if you have ever had an occasion to converse with a psychiatrist or psychologist you will see the “method” used extensively.

In the Post following, we have “Bibledefender” innocently trying to answer “Jordan’s” question, which, unbeknownst to “Bibledefender”, "Jordan" already knows the answer to (his biased point of view) and is no more interested in “Bibledefender’s” information than he is in any one else’s on this Forum! {If you don’t believe me, see “Jordan’s” Thread – Some People Should Realize...-posted 05-08-2008, 05:34 PM NEARLY A MONTH EARLIER! And ONLY ONE DAY AFTER making his supposed “appeal” for “help”! }

06-04-2008, 05:58 PM > Bible Versions > Help me > Post # 49 (Bibledefender’s Post)
There is only one translation or version called the King James Bible.
06-05-2008, 02:12 PM > Bible Versions > Help me > Post # 50 (Jordan’s 23rd. Post)
No there isn't. There has been many revisions to the KJV Bible. What exact Bible are you using? Can you find it on a website and show it to me?
NOTICE: The “shift” from wanting some “help” to declaring that he already knows? Does any one (who has a sound mind) think that this young man is “sincere” about anything?

06-08-2008, 12:19 PM > Bible Versions > Help me > Post # 54 (Jordan’s 25th. Post)
OK, cool! I just wanted to make sure that I was reading a wrong type of KJV.
NOTICE: The clever shift again – from “No there isn't” to I just wanted to make sure that I was reading a wrongtype of KJV. “Subtle” isn’t he? (And he’s just 18 years old – just imagine what he’ll be like in 10-20 years!) Is there such a thing as a “wrong type” KJV”? I trow not! Notice the clever introduction of the idea that there is both a “right type” and a “wrong type” KJV? This is the first step to admitting that there are Some King James Bibles out there that aren’t entirely true - If we ever admit that there are some KJV’S that are the “wrong type”!

And now we come to “Jordan’s” Second Post – which he posted JUST ONE DAY AFTER HIS FEIGNED PLEA FOR “HELP”. The difference in “attitude” from his first post would almost persuade some Christians that there might be some “substance” to psycho-babble after all (“split personality”), but those of us that are Bible believers and that weren’t born yesterday don’t buy it.

Jordan” is just displaying the results of 12 years of “schooling” in America. You couldn’t ask for a better example of “humanistic” thinking and reasoning than if we had paid for it. America has become a nation of Sophists, where everyone is his or her own “final authority” – Kind of like in the days of the Judges of Israel (before there was a King in Israel) >
Judges 17:6 In those days there was no king in Israel, but every man did that which was right in his own eyes.
Judges 21:25 In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes.

The following Post is "Jordan's" 2nd. Post - Please keep in mind: “Jordan” made this Post just One Day After his supposed plea for “help”.

Some People Should Realize... > 05-08-2008, 05:34 PM >
Bible Versions > Post # 1 (Jordan's 1st. Post – Jordan's 2nd. Thread)

That the KJV isn't the only "true" translation. Words have changed in meaning since it was published (1600's) and the word's have been replaced with something that is an alternative that means THE SAME THING. I think it's good that we have different versions of the Bible, like the NASB, NKJV, AMP, etc.
NOTICE: The declarative statement – the KJV isn't the only "true" translation.” Now how do you suppose that Jordan knows this to be “true”? Is it possible that “Jordan” has possibly read a book or two on the subject or maybe a couple of articles? Did “Jordan” come here looking for “help” or spoiling for an argument?

05-08-2008, 08:46 PM >
Bible Versions > Some People Should Realize > Post # 4 (Jordan's 2nd. Post – Jordan's 2nd. Thread)

How do you know the original translators didn't make mistakes? You don't do you?
NOTICE: The “shift” again? The questioning - How do you know” – the doubting - “mistakes?” - And then the declarative statement – “You don't do you?” Yea hath God said?

05-08-2008, 10:31 PM >
Bible Versions > Some People Should Realize > Post # 6 (Jordan's 3rd. Post – Jordan's 2nd. Thread)

No I'm not saying that but I'm saying that they weren't the smartest people ever in the universe or anything. I'm just saying it's all God's inspired Word, why can't we all be nice?
NOTICE: they weren't the smartest people– How would this young man know anything about the AV 1611 translators, unless he has been fed some “trash” from someone? Does he have any idea that there has never been such a naturally talented, uncommonly bright, and extremely intelligent, and God fearing group of translators – not before them and certainly not after them? Ask yourself – What’s going on here?

05-09-2008, 07:15 AM
Bible Versions > Some People Should Realize > Post # 11 (Jordan's 4th. Post – Jordan's 2nd. Thread)

You guys are just too closed minded...
NOTICE AGAIN: The “standard” answer put forth by a Sophist when he can not deal with evidence or facts. Make accusations or slander someone. It’s far easier to be a destructive critic, than a defender of the truth. It only took a matter of hours to destroy the “TwinTowers”. It took years to build them.

05-09-2008, 08:07 AM
Bible Versions > Some People Should Realize > Post # 12 (Jordan's 5th. Post – Jordan's 2nd. Thread)

What about what S. Augustine says in the preface of the 1611 edition of the Bible?
NOTICE: The introduction of an “alternate authority” (and “Augustine” at that! Augustine - a "saint"?) I wonder, has Jordan ever read “The City of God”, Augustine’s crowning "achievement" and “theological” work, which became the base and foundation of the Roman Catholic Church? “Ignorance may be bliss” for some folks, but in Jordan’s case I’m afraid it may lead to a rejection of all truth.

05-09-2008, 11:42 AM
Bible Versions > Some People Should Realize > Post # 14 (Jordan's 6th. Post – Jordan's 2nd. Thread)

So then we shouldn't read it. Jesus didn't speak English so we should read it in the original Hebrew and Greek texts.
NOTICE: This is such an immature and sophomoric statement that it warrants no comment.

05-10-2008, 07:57 AM
Bible Versions > Some People Should Realize > Post # 23 (Paladin54's Post - Jordan's 2nd. Thread)
Jordan, why did you buy a King James Bible?
Did you Notice Paladin54's sincere attempt at trying to engage "Jordan" in a reasonable discussion?

05-10-2008, 05:04 PM
Bible Versions > Some People Should Realize > Post # 24 (Jordan's 8th. Post – Jordan's 2nd. Thread)

Because I like the translation.
NOTICE: This is a “reasonable” answer – for someone who is 5 or 6 years old , not for a young man entering adulthood. Please notice the vast difference in attitude and maturity between Paladin54 and “Jordan”.

And then we finally come to the “piece de resistance” – The “real reason” why “Jordan” came here in the first place. Please notice the 2 questions stated one after the other before “Jordan” regurgitates some more garbage, which he picked up from another (older) Sophist, just like him: “Can someone explain these errors in the KJV translation?” – “Then how do they explain all these errors in the KJV?”

Does “Jordan” really, honestly, and sincerely want an explanation from those of us on this Forum? I trow not! If we were to waste a couple of hours trying to demonstrate that his “concerns” are really “straw dogs”, do you think that “Jordan” would honestly consider another point of view or explanation other than the one he has already accepted? I doubt it!

If “Jordan” were sincere, he would not have assumed that those areas of such extreme “concern” to him were “errors”. He has already made up his mind that these words are errors, without first inquiring as to whether they may or may not be. A closed mind is such a wonderful thing to behold! I wonder if Jordan has ever heard of the word DISINGENUOUS? Or how about - GUILE; DECEIT; and INSINCERE?

Should you be interested (and at this point I no longer am), you can check out “Jordan’s” last Post (cited below - I refuse to re-post it). It’s taken awhile, but finally we know “Jordan” for what he truly is. Soon after he showed up on this Forum I “suspected” that he wasn’t sincere and after a couple of my own posts (early on) to him were ignored and after seeing how he has “strung” some of the brethren along – I finally got his number.

I have some advise for “Jordan”, although I do not expect him to take it:

“But without faith it is impossible to please him: . . . . .” Hebrews 11:6
“. . . . . for whatsoever is not of faith is sin.” Romans 14:23
. . . . . be not faithless, but believing.” John 20:27

06-08-2008, 01:33 PM
Bible Versions > Some People Should Realize > Post # 31 (Your 12th. Post – Your 2nd. Thread)

Can someone explain these errors in the KJV translation?
Then how do they explain all these errors in the KJV?

What follows in "Jordan's" Post is a long list of supposed "errors" in our King James Bibles - that is, according to "Jordan" and whomsoever he copied the list from.