Thread: Bad tracts
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Old 06-01-2009, 09:15 PM
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Originally Posted by katie ha-lakh View Post

Isn't that essentially what repentance is? Isn't that turning from sin? We are weak so we may trip along the way, but knowing all the while these actions are wrong and gaining strength through much prayer and Bible reading.
One thing I am learning about God's grace is that it doesn't just save us. It sanctifies us too.

Our Bible reading should not be the source of our strength. Our prayer should not be the source of our strength. We should RECKON ourselves DEAD to sin and self, admitting we have NO strength. And then Christ, who is our LIFE, shall bring forth those fruits in us.

This is probably the major error that I see in Christianity today. Too many people, both Free Grace/Lordship Salvation whatever, see that sanctification is something to be worked towards through much strumbling, self denial etc etc. But it's already paid for, God has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places, and the only person that gets in the way of those blessings is SELF.

So die, and let Christ live through you. Then the Bible reading will be fruitful. Then the prayer will be fruitful. Because it will be Christ giving the fruit.