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Old 05-28-2009, 10:08 PM
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tonybones2112 tonybones2112 is offline
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Originally Posted by Brother Tim View Post
Brandon, I agree that Tony should have the opportunity to explain his belief. We are on page 9 or so and in the 85+ post range. He has said several times that he is not "out of first gear" yet. I am happy to give him as much room as needed to cover the subject front to back and then he can answer questions about it. If questions or comments are made otherwise, then when will we know that he has been able to present the whole set of facts as he sees them?

You expressed well my own thoughts on the matter. This doctrine is strange to me. Tony has hit a lot of other topics right in the center, but this one is way off in left (or right) field, far from mainline belief.
Brother, if the Scriptures I stand on here don't lead to the conclusion that water baptism if part of the Law, what are they, what conclusion do they draw, how have I missapplied them?

Grace and peace my friend
