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Old 07-01-2009, 10:46 PM
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greenbear greenbear is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Ohio
Posts: 492

Sis Jassy,

Those tracts look like they would be good to pass out at churches as their services end. I would need to develop more boldness (face to face, that is) in order to pass them out.

The only time I ever passed out tracts was when I had first met John and he took me with him to some big to-do at the Memorial Coliseum in Portland, OR. It was Benny Hinn or someone like him. John preached loudly outside on the sidewalk against charismatic excesses and participation in occultic practices as I hovered nearby not quite knowing what I was supposed to be doing. A group of men converged on him and demanded by what authority he preached. They wanted to know what church we went to so they could try to control him by the authority of some church leadership. We weren't attending any church. John said he was preaching by the authority of Jesus Christ! I thought they were going to beat John. I made him run with me to the car and we left.

We have cases of Chick tracts in the closet. Maybe Tony will swing by and pick us up sometime to go preaching with him on High Street near OSU in Columbus, OH. I would feel more comfortable preaching to runaways, vagrants, homosexuals and drug addicts than to christians, I think.

Your sister in Christ,
