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Old 09-26-2008, 08:27 AM
Steven Avery Steven Avery is offline
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 462

Hi Folks,

One problem with this view, especially when expressed very stridently, is that many of us became believers in the Lord Jesus Christ when we only knew and and read deficient versions. We simply did not know any better, and in fact often the spirit did quickeneth. I certainly will not say about the deficient versions I was using at that time that there was "no word of God". I did learn some about God through those versions, and more so when I moved from the alexandrian versions to Received Text versions. Later still came the fully correct move to the King James Bible. Precept upon precept, line upon line.

Clearly, I will agree that sincere believers will be drawn to the pure Bible, recognizing their need for the consistent and true and pure and perfect representation of God's word, the King James Bible. Much as sincere seekers of truth are drawn to the Lord Jesus Christ, recognizing their need to be covered by the blood of the lamb. However I do not find it purposeful to disown and attack those aspects of the deficient versions that are actually reasonable. Especially when sharing with those in the same type of ignorance as was I when I learned about the Bible question.

I realize there is little give-way in these discussions. Folks who want to emphasize the perversion terminology and the no-good view will do so. Their views are understandable, however I personally do not find that expressing that view as the end-all of the matter is helpful.