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Old 02-19-2009, 11:42 AM
Rolando Rolando is offline
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Posts: 75

Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish View Post
I have a sermon from Bro. Ruckman somewhere on UFO's it's actually very good. According to that sermon he considers the flying roll of Zechariah 5 to be a U.F.O., we know there have been many reported sightings of cigar or cylinder shaped objects over the years, but who knows...

I don't know how anyone could deny the existence of U.F.O's, I have never seen one but these things have been seen by many law enforcement officers, top military and commercial pilots and tracked on radar for years. Sure a percentage are going to be hoaxes or natural phenomenon, but when you get out of the civilian realm, most of these guys don't play games when they are putting their jobs at risk. I think at least SOME of these guys have seen SOMETHING. Of course, U.F.O. simply means "unidentified" flying object, so that doesn't answer the question of WHAT they are seeing, and so there we are, in the same place we were with project Blue Book back in 1969. Out of over 12,000 Blue Book reports, 701 of them — about six percent — are still classified as "unknowns."
Well, there's the thing about UFOs my brother, they're all unidentified. I don't believe they are aliens from outer space living in far away galaxies who are visiting us. No, I believe they are either government top secret crafts, angelic activity (could be GOD's angels or the devil's), or the strong delusion that GOD promised to send on the last days. I use to believe in aliens when I was lost, but now that I'm saved, I don't see any reason to believe in them. However, I have to appreciate the irony of the situation. Before I believed in aliens because it made more sense to me (with all the sightings of witnesses), and thought of giants as fairy tales characters. Now I believe in giants because the Bible says so and also because the proof I seen, and see aliens as either a satanic hoax or the strong delusion. How ironic...