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Old 02-28-2008, 04:31 PM
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Originally Posted by timothy View Post
Me and my wife had my nephew and his wife and kid over for dinner this past Saturday night. During the dinner conversation, my nephew states that, as a saved person, he sees nothing wrong with listening to rock-n-roll and playing Grand Theft Auto games. (Sometimes, i get the feeling that he wants to see me back doing all those thing with him as I was doing before I got saved) Him and his wife made the comment that they worship God in their own way and we (me and my wife) really don't know what to say to them. Any verses you can provide could help... Also, does anyone else ever get the feeling that some people say they're saved just to get you to stop witnessing to them?
I always try to get right to the heart of the matter with people and their spiritual state. Clarifying questions like "If you died right now, where would you go?" However they respond my response is similar..."How do you know?" If their response is Heaven and you say "How do you know?" and then they say "because I got baptized" or "my Dad's a pastor" or "I grew up in a Christian home" or "I'm a good person" or "I go to church", (do you understand what I'm driving at) basically anything other then some expression of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, such as "I got saved", "I accepted Jesus as my Saviour", etc. But don't stop there, because we live in a corrupted age easy-believism gospel many people just said a "repeat-after-me, 1-2-3 prayer" and they think they are saved. Drill deeper, for example, if someone tells me they are saved I role-play with them and say "If I came to you and told you I didn't want to die and go to Hell and asked you what I need to do to go to Heaven, what would you tell me?" Then close your mouth and let them respond, you'll be amazed at what you hear...or don't hear.
