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Old 09-24-2008, 09:05 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Thank you everyone and Diligent for link

Thank you everyone for the messages and link, I spent some time looking at it.

This is something that I have been contemplating for a while; actually, from time to time I need a dose of Charles Stanley for that topic.

But I know the reality is that I believe in it as I believe that the Lord Jesus is ever bringing me there by the things that HE is showing me and the experiences that I have had.

For example, Jesus told us in the Gospels that we are to go to those offended, leave our gift at the altar and go (Matthew 5:23). Through the years I have tried to do such to the point of excess. But one day our former church started having troubles and it ended very badly. I could not figure out why no one was attempting reconciliation and I was at a loss. Time went by and nothing really was restored. However, certain events happened much later where people attended something else and I was there, and it really hit me, nothing was really fixed.

Thereby, by God's Divine Goodness the next day I was talking with an older spiritual lady and I was contemplating this thing...time does not necessarily heal, sometimes we cannot fix things, and actually sometimes things are never fixed. It hit me really hard that my efforts (all though I could not do much and it was totally out of my league--yet my heart was right), but my efforts and my heart could not fix this. And it hit me, this strange reality, that I saw in the Gospels that we could not fix everything, yet Jesus told us to go to those offended.

I never had such a huge reality check in this matter, and this woman started telling me over and over that it was under the Blood of Jesus.

I told her that it sounded right, but give me Scriptural support.

And I tell you the truth for days after this conversation, I thought about "Under the Blood of Jesus" 24/7, until God showed me in His Word that it was true, and not a catch phrase that people just say.

I saw that when we realize and pray and perceive and acknowledge that this issue of the church matter was truly under the Blood of Jesus, I had real peace.

Also regarding Eternal Security--I noticed in the other topic that Diligent linked to, the topic of Election kept coming into the discussion.
And I see that Election has been a no win discussion for centuries because it really boils down to Free Will that God gave us and God Who knows it All.
It is an amazing discussion but kind of pointless because it is a great mystery how this can be. And people will find themselves just going around and around and around.
Just like asking if God can die on the cross. I think Paul when he spoke of the mystery of Godliness; I believe these kinds of things he was referring to as well.

And as far as Eternal Security, it is so personal--is what I am perceiving.
Until it is embraced as truth, no one will accept it. It is a heart thing.

For example, here is an extreme example to make a point.
Let's say there is a small community of believers living in a remote area who are seeking after God. Let's say one person there decides that he is not going to love this world at all and decides to sleep on sticks to not make himself comfortable in this life and world. He has weird ideas but he is determined to do this. He just wants to serve God and not be a part of this world.
So others see him and one of them, says to himself, oh, I'm doing it too. And he puts down sticks and does the same and thinks to himself, wow, Lord look how spiritual I am.
Another does the same and says, Look Lord how holy I am.
Another says wow, I am saved now I am torturing myself and God is watching.
And on and on, each having their own take on doing this thing.

POINT???? In the topic of Eternal Security...some people may be just like me.
They realize that God's Word is true. And the thought of thinking I could lose my Salvation because of my neglect makes God kind of ugly, like He would toss me out for this, instead of keeping me in His Hands as He said that no one could snatch them out.
Yet, another person can find Eternal Security quite convenient. Wow, I am saved and I could do whatever I want.
Another person also finds this quite convenient and thinks okay Lord I believe this and I am going to test the limits of your Salvation.
Or whatever.

It really is a heart issue and GOD wants our heart and trust and belief in Him.

No, Eternal Security cannot be for everybody because I think it is only reserved for those who really believe.

It is a heart thing.