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Old 11-05-2008, 08:58 AM
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Diligent Diligent is offline
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This is nothing new. The USA has had quite a few socialist presidents and very disastrous administrations. After Hoover's terrible "middle of the road" policies nudged us towards big government "management" of the economy, FDR gave us a long and protracted depression. (FDR made the depression great.) And Americans re-elected him three times -- apparently happy with 1 in 4 unemployment and all of that.

And don't forget Carter -- to me, Obama seems like the second term of Carter.

Nothing new under the sun.

Bush reminds me of Hoover in a way. While Bush didn't raise taxes on us at the worst possible time like Hoover did, Bush still governed with the policy that the government must intervene constantly to "fix" the free market. And Obama is a lot like FDR -- full of speeches and smooth talk, but without an ounce of understanding of what he is about to do.

But again, this isn't to be unexpected and it's not new. Control what you can control. You voted; now it's time to provide for your family as best you can and render unto Obama what is Obama's.