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Old 06-27-2009, 08:54 AM
Bro. Parrish
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Originally Posted by PaulB View Post
It was only the other week that I disagreed with something that was taught from the pulpit of our church. Yes, you guessed it – he decided to correct the “blind ignorance” of the translators of the Authorised Version by the “correct rendering” that was obviously in his NIV....
I could never stay in a church like that brother, that would drive me up the wall. Why would a Christian leader admire an NIV bible that removes the word "begotten" from John 3:16, says that Jesus couldn't grasp equality with God in Philippians 2:6, removes the name "Jesus" in 38 places, completely removes the word "Godhead" from the Bible, completely removes the word "sodomite" from the Bible, removes the word "hell" 40 times, and changes every mention of people "worshipping" Jesus to a mere "knelt"?

I think I already mentioned to you that shortly after I was saved I used to carry something called THE LIVING BIBLE. (my brethren here will get a chuckle out of this, but it's true). Eventually I prayed and asked God to lead me to a good Church and within a few weeks a young man knocked on my front door from an Independent Baptist Church.

I carried that paraphrased monstrosity to church for several months, and I will tell you that aside from a few mild comments, no one was ever rude to me personally about it, even though the pastor only used the KJV and mentioned several times from the pulpit why. Eventually a man by the name of Peter Ruckman came to our church, and my Living Bible was soon shifted to "shelf duty," where it remains to this day.

Ruckman challenged his audience to examine what they believed about God's Word. He offered no apology for his views and no quarter for any scholar. As I investigated his claims, I was SHOCKED about the corruption in modern versions! Maybe this was my pastor's way of exposing me to the truth without offending me personally, and we are all friends to this day. So let me challenge you today to pray about that church and if God leads you, GO FIND ANOTHER ONE without hesitation. I hope God will give you the courage to hit this front on---with an open mind my friend, and do keep up the study you are doing.