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Old 05-26-2009, 08:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Luke View Post
A more reasonable question would be

"What Biblical evidence is there for observing ANY Sabbath day, whether the sixth or seventh day, or any other holyday, by the New Testament Christian".
Luke, I had a book contained the observances of one of the early philosopher/historians, I don't remember if it was Josephus or not but they made reference to early Christians rising on the first day of the week(Sunday) before they went to work, and gathering to sing hymms to Chrestus(Christ) who they worshipped as a God and was God.

I used to order books from a Bride Baptist church in Texas, a rather large one, who used this historical record and the passage in Hebrews to justify a Sunday "sabbath"

Excellent observation of yours too.

Grace and peace brother
