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Old 08-11-2008, 02:49 PM
toiwnz toiwnz is offline
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 20

I'm just wondering how many times will a politcal leader, actor, actress or somebody else famous rise up and we try to make them out as the antichrist. I'm not a political person by any means. I'm not voting this election. I believe and know that God will put in office who He wants in office. So if I vote for somebody and God doesn't want him in office that guy won't be put in office. God will put the person He wants there no matter how many comercials or politicians tell us each vote counts.
As for the antichrist, you can build a long list of antichrist candidates including Hitler, Nero, Nixon, Bush, Madona, Obama, Putin, David Koresh, Jim Jones, etc. We soon forget that in 1 John 2:18 tells us that there are already many anticrhrist. Vs 22 tells us that those that deny the Father and Son is antichrist. So no matter if it's Obama that denies the Father and Son or your co-worker, or the guy on the street it's all the spirit of antichrist. We keep trying to match this person and that person to our image of a an antichrist while the spirit of antichrist spoken of in 1 John 4:3 has crept in the backdoor. And we can see that spirit today by people deniying the Father and Son. I heard a big time preacher beat around the bush and say there is more than one way to the father while speaking to a muslim (link below). As for Obama's zodiac sign that shouldn't even be an issue for christian because astrology is not of God. It's just down right witchcraft. And as for his race, who cares? As christian we shouldn't have respect of persons. We can't get past America's bad mark when it comes to race if we constantly bring it up.

Let's stop trying to make everybody and there mama (sorry that's a southern phrase) the antichrist and focus on the ones that here now and fields that are white with the harvest.

This is just my opinion and I not trying to offend anybody. Sorry for the spelling.

Last edited by toiwnz; 08-11-2008 at 02:58 PM.