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Old 03-11-2009, 12:14 AM
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tonybones2112 tonybones2112 is offline
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Originally Posted by kittn1 View Post
I'm not sure about the Lake of Fire location either, but I think we tend to be too limited in our surmisings. I think God already has things sorted out that we can't begin to imagine with our finite minds.
I think though Laura that to give glory to Him and His Scriptures He will reveal to anyone who honestly inquires as to what is where and how something is(was) done.

The Apostles were gathered together and suddenly Jesus appeared right through the door. Understanding physics we know, since He made the laws of physics, He can bend them to His will, so He walked through the door by throwing the molecules of His Body out of magnetic/atomic phase to the door and passed right through, something we cannot do.

Like the lake of fire, again, not something to argue over or build a theology on, but being in season and out and quick, someone asked me on the street once how Jesus walked through the wall into the room while I was explaining the story of Thomas. That info didn't save that person, it made them more sympathetic to listen and not mock as they did on Mars Hill, and a seed was planted when we gave them the gospel of Christ.

On another plane I do not know and it is nor will be revealed to us the biology of raising a decomposed dead body to life(Lazarus), I only have faith He did.

Grace and peace to you.
