Thread: fortune cookies
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Old 02-17-2009, 09:41 AM
kittn1 kittn1 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 136

Originally Posted by stephanos View Post
Yep, it's no joke with me either. This is going to sound nutty, but I can tell immediately if an evil spirit/devil enters within the house. Usually I am a bit suprised because it doesn't happen very often, and there seems to be no pattern to their coming (though there is always one lingering around idols. No joke).
I know you have a cat, the cat sensitive to the presence of the evil spirit, too?

A friend of mine (unsaved) also has had experiences similar to the ones that have been recounted in this thread. I'm not at liberty to share what I've heard, but I heard enough to know it's very real and not to be trifled with!