Thread: Jihad Watch...
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Old 04-30-2009, 01:13 AM
KingSolomon1611 KingSolomon1611 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
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Posts: 75

Islam has proved itself to be a very murderous religion in these recent years but brethren let us not forget that the Roman Catholic Church has been the most murderous religion in the history of the world. A few towel headed camel jockeys never had hundreds of years of bloodshed of hundreds of millions of innocents all over the world that is rightly described as The Dark Ages. That was your dear old "brothers" in Christ.

Never forget that most of your "conservative" media is polluted with catholics: Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Reagan, Danny Bonnaduce and a ton of others. One of the big dogs in the CFR, Zgbignew Brezenski was mentored by a French Jesuit. The CFR has been in ample supply in the Bush administration along with the current Obama administration. Don't let Roman Catholics tell you who is dangerous. The current pope was serving his church during the holocaust.