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Old 11-11-2008, 03:20 AM
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Originally Posted by IC@KJV View Post

I am new to this forum, I bought a KJV study Bible about a month ago, when I found out HOW MANY DIFFERENCES and OMMITIONS there were in my NIV bible.

I only read the KJV now, nothing else. I dont want to read versions that ommit and change the Word of God.

The question I have is this: The KJV Bible I bought is a study Bible made by Nelson publishers. And I like all the historical footnotes, and biography footnotes it has in it, it realy gives me a bigger understanding of who people were, and about the history. But who actually made/researched the footnotes???

Was it a team of researchers, or the publisher??

Who gets all of the info for the footnotes, how correect are they???

Thank You
I personally prefer to only have the Word of God in my Bible. I actually can't even stand the 200 dollar Cambridge reference Bible I use currently. The center column is none other than a glorified retranslation. Ok, so now you know that I have a bit of an idiosyncrasy when it comes to study Bibles. That being said, a lot of Bible Believing brethren use the Scofield study Bible. You can get one of these for a very reasonable (actually, unbeatable) price at: However, I would suggest that you get yourself a good Bible, without the study notes, and then get a good book to help you with whatever you're studying, if you find that you're in need of some cultural/historical context. Just make sure to use extra caution when you go to sources of information outside of the Word of God.

1 Corinthians 2:13 Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.

Remember that the Bible is the best commentary on the Bible.

Peace and Love,