Thread: Sarah Palin
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Old 09-09-2008, 08:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Scott Simons View Post
Christitan that know 911 was and inside job,
This kind of kooky nonsense does more to harm your testimony than you can imagine.

In all of Paul's writings, do you ever see him rebelling against the governments he mentions? Do you see him focusing on the details of political intrigue?

No! He tells you of spiritual wickedness in high places and then tells you to obey your government! The Roman government was full of intrigue, and yet Paul doesn't focus on any of it. Why would you add it to the Gospel!?

God has a plan for the powers that be. It is not for us to engage in resistance to it, even if this conspiracy theory stuff is true. (And most of it is just fantasy!)

We (US citizens) live in a country that happens to give us the privilege of helping to select our political leaders. This is not a right. And no matter what people think, the Bible does not proscribe our form of government.

If you want to vote (as I do), then vote for whomever you believe is best for your country. If you don't want to vote, that's fine too. But don't do what you are doing -- marrying the Gospel with conspiracy theories. When you do that, you present another gospel.