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Old 05-13-2009, 05:16 PM
Pastorpat Pastorpat is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 3

This is my very first post on this forum. I have been a pastor for 20 years. 3 years ago one of my deacons gave me one of Dr. Gipp's books as a gift. I had never heard of Sam Gipp until receiving that book.

He puts "Dr." by his name. I take that to be my invitation to ask where he received that title since he has made the decision to use it as a means of identification.

I have every now and then tried to find where he received his education and have never been able to find it.

I saw this thread as I surfed various forums and hoped to find the answer here.

Haven't found it yet. Instead, I find brothers saying it isn't important where he got his degree and questioning the motive of the one who asked. That is fair.

But don't loose sight that although you may say it isn't important where Gipp got his degree, he thinks it is important. He is the one who puts that title by his name. To put that title by your name makes you accountable to the body of Christ to expect an answer as to where you received it.

There are alot of diploma mills out there. Anyone can get one with a credit card on a website.

Pastor Pat