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Old 04-04-2008, 11:07 AM
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pbiwolski pbiwolski is offline
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Default A challenge with no challengers

Well it has been a week since I proposed a challenge to all of you who believe that "that which is perfect" is the completed scriptures. My challenge is posted on page 4 of this thread and no one has replied. (Jerry's sidestepping reply was not to the challenge, but to a side note. Biblestudent did not reply, but rather decided to quickly change the subject.)

I know why there are no replies, for the challenge asks of you to produce something that cannot be produced from scripture. To back up your belief/view, there must be at least one example in his post-I Cor. writings to indicate that Paul did not have a clear understanding of the available scriptures. This example would clearly prove that when writing I Cor. there was at least one thing for which he was waiting that was not yet revealed to him. This revelation would clear up this "dark glass" that he as well as the Corinthians were looking through. But you sit and think and...nothing. You search Paul's epistles...and still nothing. How can this be? It has to be in there, right?!?


Because you cannot and will not produce such evidence to fortify your theory, I authoritatively proclaim that Paul did not "know in part" in relation to coming revelations/scriptures, but rather he knew only in part just as we do today. Therefore, "that which is perfect" is yet to come, and one day... (maybe today!)...