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Old 09-19-2008, 06:10 AM
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Debau Debau is offline
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Posts: 177

Originally Posted by ericwgreene View Post
How is it an oxymoron? How is it compromise? Just because someone disagrees with you does not make it compromise. Compromise is a buzzward like Obama's "change". It is empty of meaning unless clearly explained. How have I compromised?
Claiming any Baptist distinctives while holding the tenets of Reformed Theology in light of history's accounts of persecution of Baptists by the Reformers-Calvinists, and theological disparities is for lack of better(worse) words, an oxymoron-compromise. You could put hypocrite in there also. Kind of like professing Christianity, and voting for "change"-Obama.

Compromise a "buzzword"??? Only if you're not clear on your convictions.

e.g., quotes by ericwgreene

"I know what my KJV says and I stand by it"

"Personally, I prefer the ESV."

"I myself am a Reformed -Baptist"

"my convictions have changed"

"I choose to reference the works of many different theological perspectives to deepen both my own convictions but also to understand the perspective of others."

Last edited by Debau; 09-19-2008 at 06:15 AM.