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Old 05-28-2009, 08:19 PM
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Greektim Greektim is offline
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Beaufort, NC
Posts: 123

1) You do not have a choice in the matter saying "I will not let an innocent suffer on my behalf." He has already suffered and died. So that is a moot point.

2) Like it or not, that is the system that God set up from the beginning (back to the garden w/ the first sacrifice). This person is asking the wrong question. Why a pure, holy, unblemished, and substitutionary sacrifice? Because it portrays God's reprehense and hatred towards sin.

3) Let's not forget that God chose the sacrificial system Himself knowing full well before the foundations of the world that Jesus would be the choice sacrifice.

4) He should be thankful for the substitute. Does this person really want to suffer the consequences of their sin - i.e. what they deserve? Doubtful. Jesus paid it all. Praise the Lord I am bought with a price.